Josh Mitchell of Wickid Pissa Publicity introduced us to Nikolay Bey, a businessman and politician from Minnesota, and he was kind enough to grant us this interview.
La Libertad: Where were you born?
Nikolay: Donetsk, Ukraine, about thirty-five years ago. Donetsk is where the war still is, thanks to a forgotten relative of mine, from Russia.
La Libertad: Where do you currently reside?
Nikolay: Saint Paul, Minnesota - more or so "Little Canada," nice suburb, just North of Saint Paul...
La Libertad: What is your occupation?
Nikolay: Well, I am a C.E.O. [Chief Executive Officer], Chairman of NNB World, Incorporated, which is also:
prior to [which], I was operator of a few food-based stores as co-owner, such as French Meadow, and Arby's.
La Libertad: What do you love most about your finance work?
Nikolay: The fact that I get to help people; you see, I went to school [to become an] E.M.T. [Emergency Medical Technician], [and] dropped out; I went to school for law, [and] dropped out. [The] passion I have is to help people, not just my self, but by helping people, I intend to assist small businesses, such as mom and pop shops, grow; this could also mean by "going public." Or finding creative ways to have money so that perhaps you do not need a loan; I mean, who wants to pay interest rates? No offense to those who live on rates they charge...
La Libertad: What talents and hobbies do you have?
Nikolay: Understanding people, knowing the financial markets... For me it's hard to explain, like it is hard for you to explain why you sing so well; for me, it's money, which is funny, 'cause I hated math when I was in school, but there is a saying, "What you hate is your talent." And I [am in] a niche ...knowing what people should go for, rather than not go for.
La Libertad: What inspires you?
Nikolay: The fact that I can make relationships, network, raise money, or help raise money.
La Libertad: What is the hardest part of your unique profession?
Nikolay: People are stuck up, thinking they know better than you; they claim they have more years on you than you do on them, but yet you're the one who can see right past them, and say, "I can fix that better than you."
La Libertad: What foreign languages, if any, do you read, write, and/or speak?
Nikolay: Russian, besides English.
La Libertad: Where have you traveled?
Nikolay: You know, nowhere in ten years, but I want to visit Israel; I mean, to some we know what this place is, but to me, I am skeptical, so I want to see it, to believe it.
La Libertad: What are your career goals?
Nikolay: Making sure NNB is competing against Warren Buffett.
La Libertad: What projects are you working on?
Nikolay: Selling NNB stock, and making sure my sub-companies are doing pretty well, so I can invest in my community.
La Libertad: Tell us what it was like to run for political office?
Nikolay: You sure you want to ask me this? My thought, as everyone has their own, [is] I believe that when you spend money from a Super P.A.C. [Political Action Committee], it's like buying the seat. Buying your way in, whoever has the best package, and money, wins. Yes, I ran against Al Franken, as an independent party, but what I realized is that, you can't win against money, not to mention when you're an independent, and follow their rules of not having a P.A.C. controlled by [the] Federal Election Commission. If I were to fully run, I would not even want to get paid by the State. Why? I think a true political entity, should work for the people, not the money. I am not convinced that Al Franken or others work for the people. Would I do it again? Only if people want to support me.
La Libertad: What links would you like to share?
La Libertad: What else, if anything, would you like to tell our readers?
Nikolay: Life is short, for sure; do not waste it by having someone else give you the tools to make accomplishments; it's your job to seek, and learn; you won't learn this in collage, but street smarts... There are people out there who would help, I happen to be one of those people who can help even independent producers reach their goals, not just small businesses who may or may not want to be franchised or whatever the case is. Question is, what do you want to do today?
Introduction by William Mortensen Vaughan
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