Friday, July 27

Interview with Cameron Stephens

Camerson Stephens is a California based model.

La Libertad:  When did you start modeling?

Cameron Stephens:  I used to be frequently asked by various people to model for their respective agencies or companies. This has been happening as long as I can remember, but I didn't actually accept any of these auditions until earlier this year.

La Libertad:  What got you started?

Cameron Stephens:  A good friend of mine had just gotten into the modeling business and was thoroughly enjoying it. I hated missing out on the fun, so I decided to call up a few agencies!

La Libertad:  Who have you enjoyed working with?

Cameron Stephens:  I have a family friend named Jessica Drossin, who is a phenomenal photographer. It was really fun to work with her, and she ended up using my images to advertise her newest product. The shoot itself was a blast; we would bounce ideas off of one another and the end result was amazing. It obviously wasn't a paid job, but it was a really nice experience.

La Libertad:  What other languages do you speak?

Cameron Stephens:  I was born and raised in California, but most of my family resides in England. English, in its different forms, is the household language, and U only know a small bit of Spanish from school. That being said, I self-taught myself to speak Polish a few years back. I'm awfully rusty at it now, but it was fun to learn.

La Libertad:  Where have you traveled to?

Cameron Stephens:  In just the past month, I have traveled to England, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark! I can't hope to count how many places I have visited in my lifetime...

La Libertad:  What other talents do you have?

Cameron Stephens:   I have a tested IQ of 196 (which is shocking even to me) and have been doing all sorts of activities all my life. I have won multiple national awards in visual arts, photography, and architectural design, to name a few!

La Libertad:  What are your goals?

Cameron Stephens:  At the end of the day, I just want to enjoy what I do. I find modeling an incredibly fun activity, and that's what drives me to do it each day."

Interview by Libertad Green

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