Wednesday, July 1

Interview With Alexander Michael Helisek

Alexander Michael Helisek
Alexander Michael Helisek

Josh Mitchell of Wicked Pissa Publicity introduced us to Alexander Michael Helisek.

La Libertad:  Where were you born?

Alex:  I was born in Plainview, Long Island, [New York], and then grew up, in my younger years, in [the] Dix Hills school system, Signal Hill Elementary School, and then moved to the New Hyde Park, Mineola, area and went to school at Herricks High School, continuing on to S.U.N.Y. [State University of New York at] Potsdam, and then onward and forward to sunny California.

La Libertad:  Where do you currently reside?

Alex:  Currently residing in Hollywood, California...

La Libertad:  What is your occupation?

Alex:  My occupation is Producer/Filmmaker, and also at types [?] Videographer and Actor.  Man of many hats...

La Libertad:  What do you love most about your work?

Alex:  What's not to love about the work that I do?   A wise man told me once, "If you are doing something you don't want to do with your life, you are wasting it".  

I am happy to say that everything I involve myself with, is because I want to be involved with it.  Life's too short to not be happy.

La Libertad:  What other talents and hobbies do you have?

Alex:  Talents and hobbies include writing, voice acting work, theatrical performances, and constructing game plans to execute film production.  I love it,; it's a thrill.  When I can see the words come to life from the paper to the screen, I have achieved my goal and my artistic vision.

La Libertad:  What inspires you?

Alex:  I feel inspired by the human experience, and human behavior.  Culture, characters, and personality development...  To see people succeed, grow, learn, and cultivate all powers that they have within them...  I like to have a great time, love who and what I am around, and create together.

La Libertad:  What is the hardest part of your job?

Alex:  The hardest part of my job would have to be overcoming obstacles, challenged egos, and relationships that just don't work, or go anywhere.  The idea of creation does not come from the one, but the many.  People out here become bitter when things go sour for their production, and they become very jaded.  I try to avoid this at all costs.  At the same time, you can't rely on anyone or anything; it's the only choice you have.  So grow relationships, and understand the people you are working with.

La Libertad:  What foreign languages, if any, do you read, write, and/or speak?

Alex:  I speak broken Spanish, from what I learned while I was in High School and working for various restaurants over my life.  My family spoke Yiddish growing up, R.I.P. [Rest in Peace/
Requiescat in pace] Grandma and Grandpa, so I was always around it, and I kind of get it, but mainly Spanish is what I can communicate with.

La Libertad:  Where have you traveled?

Alex:  Luckily, I have been able to travel far and wide, and continue to hope that my future career will lead me to travel to more new and exciting places.  I have been out of the country to Canada, Israel, Bali, Mexico, and also the U.S. territory, Puerto Rico.  Domestically, I have been all along the east coast, and Utah for The Sundance Film Festival, as well as Texas for the S.X.S.W. (South By South West) Festival.  Also taking off to Florida for July Fourth week!

La Libertad:  What are your career goals?

Alex:  My career goals are to continue to do what I love, and create a sturdy financial life support system from that.  So, in turn, I will never have to work a day in my life.  Because this is not work I do, it's passion and creation, which stems from love, which means it will never bother me.  That's ultimately where I would like to end up, and, of course, growing and learning many different, new things along the way.

La Libertad:  What projects are you working on?

Alex:  At the moment I have three scripts in development - one Psychological Thriller, Action, and Sci-Fi.   In Pre-Production we are continuing with our newest film, "The Convicted," and begin to make final preparations to shoot our Prison Scenes and Ending Sequence.  So things are exciting and busy!

La Libertad:  What upcoming events, if any, do you intend to participate in?

Alex:  Upcoming events we are excited for include a film festival screening of "The Convicted," at the L.A.I.F.F.A. (Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards) in July, on the Eleventh, and, also, our big screening at the famous Hollyshorts Film Festival in August!  So stay tuned for more acceptances and touring of this project!

La Libertad:  What links would you like to share?

Alex:  You can learn more about Breezeway Productions at

You can checkout The Convicted NOW, right here:

But not the second installment yet; that is currently in Post-Production.

La Libertad:  What else, if anything, would you like to tell our readers?

Alex:  HEYm READERS!  "Never Give Up; Never Surrender!"  "The Light is Always Darkest Before The Dawn!"  "Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining!"

These may sound cliché, but they are true, and take them to heart.  Because they are great words for inspiration, tenacity, and resiliency, for things you do in life.  So be like NIKE and "JUST DO IT!"

Thank you for reading and listening.

Interview by Libertad Green

Introduction by William Mortensen Vaughan

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