Kimberly Leemans, by Michael Roud |
WMV: Isn't "Leemans" the name of a car?
Kimberly: Is it? I had to Google it, 'cause I had never heard that. Hope its eco-friendly!
WMV: [NOTES: Le Mans Coupes are classics. Some people regard Walter Leemans as an "icon" in custom cars.]
Your Facebook indicates that your hometown is Ocala, Florida. When and where were you born?
Kimberly: I was Actually Born in Miami, Florida. My Dad is a pilot (he’s retired now), and he and my mom moved over from Belgium, so he could use Miami International Airport as his base. We moved to Ocala after Hurricane Andrew, and I basically grew up there.
WMV: In what city and State do you currently reside?
Kimberly: Santa Monica, California, woot, woot!
WMV: Mr. Houck tells us your father "submitted [you]" for "a state-wide contest for Ocala Magazine." What contest was that?
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Guess, "America's Next Top Model" |
WMV: What other awards have you won?
Kimberly: Hmm, the first thing that pops into my mind was my nomination for Best Actress at the Houston Comedy Film Festival for playing Lois Lane in a funny little short called “Little Man of Steel,” that was my first acting accolade, very fun!
WMV: Mr. Houck told us you appeared in Unvogue. Do you consider yourself more Vogue or "unvogue," in reality?
Kimberly: Hah! Absolutely "unvogue! I’ve been lucky enough to be dressed for a living. So when it comes to my days off... My girlfriends will be like “Kim! You’ve had that since high school! It's time to let it go!”
WMV: [Hums "Let It Go," from Frozen...] Your IMDb bio at
refers to you as "Kimberly20has." Is that your Twitter identity?
Kimberly: No, I don't know what that is actually. My Twitter name is Kleemans, but I'm not on there much anymore; I’ve migrated over to Instagram - “kimieAbreak.”
WMV: [NOTE: As of August 1, 2014, "Kleemans" belonged to someone identified as "Greg Kleeman" on Twitter. "Kimberly20has" doesn't seem to exist.]
We've mentioned you have experience cleaning kennels. How much time have you spent cleaning which kennels?
Kimberly: After I shot "America’s Next Top Model," the producers told us to go back to having a normal life until the show aired. I got a job at my local Humane Society in Ocala, and absolutely loved it! Most people feel so helpless and full of sympathy when they go into pounds or shelters, but the best thing you can do, besides donating money and materials they need, is to donate your time. Sit with the animals; help to socialize them; give them your love; it's SO rewarding, and it DOES make a difference!
WMV: What fund raisers have you set up?
Kimberly: The last one I can think of was after the tsunami in Japan. I went around collecting donated pairs of shoes from people and sending them over to the victims. There are so many little things you can do and little ways to help that end up making a big difference.
WMV: Apparently, you are going to be representing Palmer's Hair Shampoo. Have you ever actually used this shampoo?
Kimberly: This is actually an old campaign now; I probably wouldn't mention it. I most recently did a Head and Shoulders international commercial with N.F.L. [National Football League] football player Troy Polamalu.
WMV: I'll take that as a "No, you didn't use Palmer's" and a "No, you don't use Head and Shoulders," but you DO know something about professional football.
Your IMDb page and your Facebook indicate that you are a member of S.A.G./A.F.T.R.A. (Screen Actors Guild/American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) Have you obtained more, higher paying jobs since becoming a member?
Kimberly: Absolutely! It took me about two years to be able to join S.A.G. And it has made all the difference in my career! Agents and managers take you more seriously, and you’re protected by the union for working conditions and minimum rates.
WMV: Actors operate in a society which seems to prove the saying that "There's no such thing as a classless society." What are your favorite perks "on set"?
Kimberly: Craft Service allll [sic] the way! I love food.
WMV: Yes, Craft Service is usually great, although it's annoying when a production assistant tells you, "That's not for you!" or "Wait till [whoever] eats first!" - especially right after another P.A. just told you to get in line.
What have you hated most about being "on set"?
Kimberly: Nothing! I truly mean that. Jobs are usually few and far between, so when I get the chance to work, I love EVERY minute of it! All sixteen plus hours of it, most of the time! There’s an energy on sets that I do get high from. It’s my passion.
WMV: You apparently studied at Florida International University. What degrees, diplomas, and certificates have you earned?
Kimberly: I actually never finished. I ended up auditioning and shooting A.N.T.M (America’s Next Top Model) as an undergrad and decided to hit while the iron was hot and move to New York, and from there I ended up in L.A. My parents have always been supportive but they’ve always encouraged me to go back to school as a safety. I’ve always told them I’d go back if I fail at life. I don’t want a “plan B.” I HAVE to make it.
WMV: Are you the webmistress of
Kimberly: I was a LONG time ago, I need to update it. I just put everything on Facebook.
WMV: Your Facebook
indicates that you are Belgian, and have worked for French employers. Have you ever been to Belgium or France?
Kimberly: I have! I'm first generation American, but I’m one hundred percent "waffle" as far as the line goes. I would go every summer to see my family and friends, and I even went to boarding school in Waterloo, Belgium, at the Berlaymont in Fifth Grade; it was one of the best experiences of my life! (Bonjour, Mr. Hap!)
WMV: Do you speak French, Dutch, German, or any other foreign languages?
Kimberly: French was my first language; I’ve also studied in Granada, Spain, and can get along pretty well in espaƱol. I love languages. IF I ever went back to school, it would be for that.
WMV: What are your favorite travel destinations?
Kimberly: I just recently came back from Europe. I visited Croatia for the first time, with my cousin Gregory, which was gorgeous. I have a verrrry [sic] weak spot in my heart for the Mediterranean; I adore everything about it.
WMV: Where would you like to visit, that you haven't visited already?
Kimberly: My cousin Gregory and I are planning a trip to Thailand in November, that Im really looking forward to, and I'm absolutely fantasizing about going diving in the Maldives. My next contract is going to fund that, hopefully soon!
WMV: Your Facebook indicates that you think New York City is "the best in the world," yet you moved to Los Angeles at least "Four years ago." Do you still think New York City is better than Los Angeles?
Kimberly: I Do think New York City is one of the best cities in the world. I love that I was able to live there, and when I moved out to L.A., the deal I made with myself was that I need to book a show or project that shoots in N.Y.C. Imagine being paid to live in the best city ever... Dream come true!
WMV: One of your favorite quotations is apparently by Audrey Hepburn. Is that because she, too, was Belgian?
Kimberly: Just by chance! [Smiles] And I think it's just a good life lesson.
WMV: Are you less fond of Jean-Claude Van Damme?
Kimberly: I wish I had an ounce of his flexibility!
WMV: Your Facebook fan page
indicates that you created and are developing an "Eco-show" for the top networks. Who do you regard as "the top networks"?
Kimberly: Discovery, Travel, NBC, ABC, CBS... Heck! Whoever will have me!
WMV: Your Facebook fan page indicates that you are lending your voice to the Brimstone Series. What is the Brimstone Series?
Kimberly: Brimstone is an awesome new comic, created by the lovely, professional wrestler of the same name, that will soon have its own animated series. I’ve done a few voice-over jobs lately, and it's such a fun and different way to act.
WMV: Do you sing?
Kimberly: Everyday on the four-oh-five!
WMV: Ha! What a delightful sense of humor!
What award-winning film did you co-write?
Kimberly: "A Connection." It's a bilingual film about two people passing time in an airport bar, venting about the same things, and not understanding what the other is saying, but clearly understanding what the other is going through.
WMV: Who co-wrote it with you?
Kimberly: Todd Johnson! [Smiles]
WMV: What projects are you most focused on now-a-days?
Kimberly: I'm gearing up to play the lead in a new Indie feature about human trafficking; we start filming in a couple weeks!
WMV: Which would be about the time this interview gets published...
What projects would you like to work on in the future?
Kimberly: My dream would still be sitcom comedy. But I would sell my first born (tomato plant) to play a witch, especially in any Hocus Pocus type sequel. I LOVE fantasy films like Harry Potter, and have always wanted to have magical powers in film (or life). [Winks]
WMV: Are your eyes usually referred to as "icy blue"?
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Kimberly Leemans, photo by Victor Giarrusso |
WMV: Taller than five feet, nine inches, you are taller than the average height of men in the U.S.A. Does that give you a distinct advantage over most women in the entertainment industry?
Kimberly: Actually no; it's hurt me quite a few times. It’s funny, when I was modeling, I always had to kind of lie "up" [about] my height, and now I have to lie "down" about it. A lot of the leading men are shorter then me, [looks perplexed] so the shorter girls get it. I’ve lost a few parts that way, when it came down to me and another girl. It looks better if the damsel looks "damsely" and not bigger then their hero. But I have hope! Here's looking at you, Nicole Kidman!
WMV: Do you think you have "a unique and interesting look"?
Kimberly: I did until I went into an audition with about fifteen other "me’s" in there. I was like, "Are we cousins?"
WMV: For those of us who aren't curious enough to watch the show, what weighs three pounds in "3 lbs."?
Kimberly: A brain! [Smiles]
WMV: Three pound is the average weight of human brains; I'll bet your brain is even heavier, Ms. Leemans, since you have given us such witty answers. Thank you very much!
Interview by William Mortensen Vaughan
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