Friday, August 1

Interview With Jill Harrison

Jill, Archangel Therapy in Tokyo
DISCLAIMER:  All of the assertions in this interview are made by Jill Harrison, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of LA Libertad, nor any individual member of our staff; LA Libertad only publishes the following for the sake of our readers' entertainment.

Introduction by Jill Harrison

Jill Harrison is a Level Twelve psychic medium and Avatara.  An Avatar or Avatara is a person who channels the angelic realm to deliver messages for the benefit of mankind.

Jill is helping to bridge the gap between what is real in the angelic realm, and the vast amount of make-believe written in books and on the Internet.

Jill has channelled [more than] one hundred different Archangels, Ascended Masters, Angels, Light-beings, and people in the afterlife, including celebrities, such as John Lennon and Michael Jackson.

Have you noticed that most celebrities who have a sudden death have been campaigning for peace?  Jill was born with a connection to the angelic realm, [and], over the years, has developed it, so that now she can access any spirit almost at will.  Think of it like radio frequencies, that you tune into, and then you communicate with telepathy.  Jill is part of a change which is
happening on our planet - a change to break down the walls of illusion, to break control of the masses, and to bring us back
to community values, so we live happier lives.

Jill is campaigning to help people become worthy and live a
healthier, happier life, whilst serving to protect our home, our

Connect to Jill for messages from the angelic realm [at]:

LA Libertad:  Where were you born?

Jill:  Rotherham, South Yourkshire, England, U.K.

LA Libertad:  In which city and State do you live?

Jill:  Retford, Nottinghamshire (Robin Hood country, ten miles away from The Great Oak).
Jill's home in the U.K.
LA Libertad:  What do you love most about your work?

Jill:  I make a difference in people’s lives, mostly for the better.  I am helping people all around the world to feel worthy, and connect back to our Creator, God, light, the one conscious energy.

LA Libertad:  Do you have any other talents or hobbies?

Jill:  I was a professional ballerina and dancer in my youth.  I have a very high I.Q. [Intelligence Quotient] of 175, which has been developed by my connection to the angelic realm.

LA Libertad:  What inspires you?

Jill:  Achievement and recognition.

LA Libertad:  What is the hardest part of your job?

Jill:  Seeing and meeting people in denial:  Denial that the food
they are eating is slowly killing them through chronic disease;  denial that they are worthy; denial [that] they overeat; denial of government lies and lies from leaders.

LA Libertad:  Do you speak any other languages?

Jill:  A little French and Spanish.

LA Libertad:  Where have you traveled?

Jill:  Many parts of the U.S.A., Central America, Caribbean, Europe, and Japan.

LA Libertad:  What are your goals for your career?

Jill:  To be speaking in front of huge (twenty thousand people)
Jill, keynote speech in the U.K.
audiences, inspiring them to be healthy and happy; to look after our planet and their bodies; and to introduce more people to the
angelic realm.

LA Libertad:  Any upcoming projects?

Jill:  We (Glenn Harrison and I) have started a campaign:  Are You Eating to Live, or Eating to Die?  We are teaching people how to reverse chronic disease, such as cancer, high blood pressure due to atherosclerosis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, osteoperosis, asthma and skin disease.  You are what you eat.  Our manufactured, processed food is slowly killing us.  Change diet to raw vegetables, fruit, berries, nuts, and seeds, and you can reverse serious chronic disease.

LA Libertad:  Do you have any links you would like to share?


LA Libertad:  Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

Jill:  I do spiritual readings for people all over the world, by
email, Skype, and FaceTime.  For celebrities, I offer a total
non-disclosure contract.  I offer a one hundred percent guarantee to anyone I read for, that if you don’t feel you had an insightful, spiritual reading (you may not like the truth, though), you can have a refund.  When I channel readings, whichever Archangel, Ascended Master, or guide, is watching over you, comes through with guidance.  This is only done by email. Energy is everywhere, and I have the ability to channel for you, without seeing you.

Interview by Libertad Green

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