La Libertad: You recently moved from San Antonio, Texas to Los Angeles to continue your acting career, how do you like it here?
Valerie: I LOVE living in Los Angeles! The city itself is a lot more conducive to my career as an actress. The geography itself is beautiful, and I love meeting people from all walks of life, all here for a common goal: perfecting or advancing in their craft.
La Libertad: When did you start acting?
Valerie: I started acting for stage in 5th grade, participating in various competitions and production in school all the way until my freshman year in college. I Began acting for film after college in the local film community in the city where I am originally from, San Antonio, TX.
La Libertad: What were some of the projects you worked in in Texas?
Valerie: In Texas I worked on various short films, commercials for local and regional businesses and worked in small parts on a couple indie films. I also worked on a industrial film projects as an actor and host as well.
La Libertad: You are also a model, what have been some of your favorite projects?
Valerie: I would have to say that of all the modeling projects I have been involved with my favorite has been the Pancakes and Booze Art Show where I was able to model different outfits from local designers in ZOMBIE MAKE-UP! It was the coolest thing I have been able to do so far...and considering that I am only 5'3, I don't get to walk the runway very often in fashion shows.
La Libertad: In Texas, you also worked as an entertainment reporter. What were some of your favorite interviews?
Valerie: I got to interview DMX the rapper, and Stefanie Montiel, who is a Tejano singer, and Dee Adames, who was on BravoTV's Sheer genius....But I guess my favorite would be a band called the Dog Men Poets. They were so animated and fun to interview, it was a great time.
La Libertad: What other skills do you have relating to the entertainment industry?
La Libertad: Any career highlights since moving to the Los Angeles area?
Valerie: Yes!(: I did get the opportunity to be a featured "dater" on BravoTV's "The Millionaire Matchmaker." The episode I am in will most likely be featured during the new season in September of 2012.
La Libertad: Projects you are currently working on?
Valerie: Currently, I am working on my novel and the webseries. I just wrapped a production in Chicago, where I worked primarily as a producer and creative director of sorts.
La Libertad: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Valerie: In five years I will have two published books, a few successful business and be working as a stable "working actress" in television and film.
Interview and photography by Libertad Green
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