Friday, February 3

Interview With Author Cary G. Herwig

According to Cary, William Bernhardt referred her to us. She tells us that her "latest middlegrade/YA [young adult]
novellas are currently being published by...Babylon Books...and [that she is] a participant in his writing conferences."  Furthermore, she informs us that Mr. Bernhardt "suggested that writers he publishes contact [us], responding to the following questions as a way to promote [their] work."  She tells us that she "read the interview [we] did with him," that she "enjoyed it," and that she hopes that she's "not being presumptuous by sending" us these answers (as far as we're concerned, she's not):

La Libertad:  Where are you from?


Cary:  As an Army brat, I usually tell people I'm from everywhere. I currently live in Oklahoma, for the second time.


La Libertad:  How did you get your start in writing?


Cary:  I have been a reader nearly all my life. Unlike many writers I know, I didn't start writing when I was young. I even had trouble keeping a diary. Turns out I am dyslexic... I was in my forties when I took my first writing class. It turned into a writers group where I had my short stories critiqued. Getting positive feedback kept me going. My first serious novel took years to complete. After seven years of trying, I got an agent, and Ace Books ended up publishing my first six novels. My first works were published under [the] name "Cary Osborne."


La Libertad:  Of what accomplishment are you most proud?


Cary:  I will always be proud of the Iroshi trilogy (my first three books), but I am most proud of going back to school when I was sixty, and earning a Masters degree in Library Studies. After graduation, I became the Political Papers Archivist at New Mexico State University.


La Libertad:  Where did you get the idea for your new novel.


Cary:  The Army Brat Hauntings series is based on my growing up as an Army brat. Each story is set in a different place [where] we lived, but I include ghosts - not the friendly ghosts. These are demanding, if not threatening.


La Lilbertad:  Can we expect more?


Cary:  At the moment, this series will be four books. The first was released in August, last year, and the second book will be released in April. I'm also working on a thriller series, based on being a congressional archivist and set in Washington.


La Libertad:  What inspires you?


Cary:  The art of story telling.


La Libertad:  What are your overall career goals?


Cary:  I intend to keep writing, hoping to improve with each book. I love the act of writing.


La Libertad:  What links would you like to share?




La Libertad:  What else, if anything, would you like to tell our readers?


Cary:  I am currently redoing my author newsletter, as the first provider cancelled their service. I'm a passionate writer, and some of my ideas are a bit unusual, and eclectic. I've written science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, young adult, scholarly articles, and for newspapers. Short and long, I love 'em all.

Introduction and editing by William Mortensen Vaughan 

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