La Libertad: Where were you born?
Madeline: I was born in Danbury, Connecticut. My parents moved back to Cleveland, Ohio shortly after I was born. When I was four years old, they rented an apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and we began traveling back and fourth between New York City and Cleveland.
La Libertad: Where do you currently reside?
Madeline: I currently live in Los Angeles, and I'm loving it. Best weather, best friends... Everybody hustling... Love the energy.
La Libertad: What made you want to become a singer?
Madeline: My mom is a jazz vocalist. I think very young girls often photograph off of their mother. I just remember thinking what she did was cooler than anything my friends' parents did. As a third grader, I cared a lot about being "cool" because it was the first time I had ever been to school after being homeschooled, and I was basically the antithesis of cool.
Anyway, my mom was dope, and I knew that. I wanted to be like her. I remember drawing a picture of her - literally a circle for her head, dots for eyes, a circle for her mouth with little musical notes coming out of it and spirals on her head for her "horrendous perm" at the time (her words).
La Libertad: What do you love most about writing music?

Madeline: Writing music is kind of like a solution for me. I am very solution-oriented. It's a solution for negative or overwhelming emotions, difficult experiences, et cetera. It basically allows me to take a situation that might not be all that great and potentially turn it into something awesome. When that happens, it's such a satisfying feeling, and actually helps me move on from that experience much more quickly.
La Libertad: What talents and hobbies do you have?
Madeline: Besides writing music, I snowboard; I'm very into fashion and styling, thumb wrestling on a semi-professional level... One of these is not true! You pick!
La Libertad: What inspires you?
Madeline: I am mostly inspired by human interaction. Shitty people inspire me. Actually I don't really think there are completely bad people. I think there are terribly misinformed people, people who make bad decisions, and people who don't listen to my music. Those things can all be forgiven except for the not listening to my music one.

Madeline: Probably living in NORTH Hollywood... That's only funny to people who live in L.A.
Honestly, I'm not sure. It seems relatively easy to me compared to living other places. I probably wouldn't last very long in Somalia.
I suppose there are quite a few people here, naturally, who are really only interested in helping themselves. That's a big part of living in an area that has such a large concentration of people working in entertainment. So many people want to be stars, not because they want to entertain or send a message, but because they just want to be? Instagram and the Kardashians have me so confused over what entertainment and talent actually are.
La Libertad: You are also an actress. Tell us about your role on the new series "PUB.LIE.SIZE."
Madeline: A friend of mine was casting a project he wrote and I asked if he needed an obnoxious singer/songwriter character. He was like, "Yep," and I was like, "I knew it..." So I'm basically playing myself and supporting Meg Dick who is an amazing actress and super funny. I love acting and hanging out with her. We have mad chemistry #letsrunawayandbelesbians.
La Libertad: What are the details of your upcoming tour?

Madeline: It's going to be throughout the U.S. We were planning for April but might be a little later because I just got a new agent (same agency though!) and we might make some updates. Whole band is going. Going to [be] amazing. It's my first tour and I've waited a long time to do this!
La Libertad: Can we expect a new album from you this year?
Madeline: Definitely trying to put out an album in 2019. Want to call it Raised on Porn.
La Libertad: What other projects are you currently working on?
Madeline: Trying to get my dog to stop, drop, and roll. We've got stop and drop down. Still working on the roll... There was a fire in my building the other day #NorthHollywoodLife
For real, follow my dog, @CroutonDog He's not like other Croutons.
La Libertad: What upcoming events, if any, do you intend to participate in?
Madeline: I am playing at the Silverlake Lounge on November 2nd at 11:00 p.m., and Los Globos on November 14th.
La Libertad: What links would you like to share?
La Libertad: What else, if anything, would you like to tell our readers?
Madeline: Stick it to "the man." Nobody really knows what we're doing here, so just do you, but also be nice and help other people do them?
Photographer: Alex Huggan
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