Monday, November 9

Interview With Veronika Esslinger

Josh Mitchell of Wickid Pissa Publicity introduced Veronika Esslinger to us as his "actress-author client."

La Libertad:  Where were you born?

Veronika:  I was born in Novosibirsk, in Russia. The city lies on the banks of the Ob River, in the West Siberian Plain. 

La Libertad:  What accomplishment are you  most proud of?

Veronika:  I am very proud that I never gave up on believing in my dreams and goals, no matter how hard the road was. Of course, I am very proud of my published book, which I have published in German and English.

I moved to Germany when I was five years old, and I grew up there, so it made sense to write the book in German, and translate it into English, but the Russian translation can still easily follow.

La Libertad:  What is the film world like, in Germany?

Veronika:  The film world in Germany is fascinating, especially in Berlin. I was lucky enough to be on sets with major personalities from whom I learned a lot for my own future career as an actress. It was motivating and tough at the same time. But in the end, I "pulled out" the positive and great energy that I was able to experience on set.

La Libertad:  What would you like to tell our readers about how your latest book, The Script of Your Life?

Veronika:  As the title suggests, the book is about which role, or a script you create for your life, and whether you live according to it and pursue your goals and dreams. It is a book that shows that there are certain obstacles on the way to success, and that not everything seems as it initially is. It is about making smart decisions, overcoming the inner pain, and going your own way despite all the hurdles in life, and holding onto your dreams. The book also tells a love story, which does not have a happy ending because another woman comes into play. As the subtitle Dangerous Liaisons reveals, the story takes place in three different time intervals and cities. It starts in Paris, and continues in Los Angeles, with a dream to become a successful actress.

La Libertad:  What inspires you?

Veronika:  There are so many things that inspire me! Mostly, it comes out of a spontaneous situation and whim. I think you can`t plan inspiration. There are certain places, people, and life situations that inspire me. Sometimes it is very simple things, like a beautiful painting that tells a story, expressive art, or small things in everyday life that I come across.

La Libertad:  What is the hardest part of being an actress?

Veronika:  The hardest part of being an actress is that you never know what`s coming tomorrow. You must work hard on yourself and your mindset every day and never give up striving for greater things.

La Libertad:  What was one of the most significant things you learned at the New York Film Academy?

Veronika:  I learned to be more secure in front of the camera and I met a lot of talented people who helped me evolve as an on-screen talent.

La Libertad:  What are your overall career goals?

Veronika:  My career goals are to play strong and dramatic characters and to showcase interesting stories of interesting personalities and to tackle many future projects worldwide. To write more books, tell inspiring stories, and to help people with their own way of life. I am also a passionate dancer and I would love to continue to improve and evolve as a performer.

La Libertad:  Tell us about your upcoming projects?

Veronika:  I have three exciting new projects in the pipeline: a genre fantasy film, a crime-based TV Series, and a dramatic TV Series.

La Libertad:  What links would you like to share?

Veronika:  I recently started a YouTube channel with a few short sequences from my past projects. In addition to expanding my followings on my Facebook and Instagram, I would be happy to have an expanded readership worldwide to increase my book sales and adapt into a feature film one day:

La Libertad:  What else if anything, would you like to tell our readers?

Veronika:  No matter how hard the road is, in the end, it`s worth it. Every beginning is difficult, and you must believe in yourself so strongly, that the words of others don`t hit you. It`s not easy, but anything is possible. It all starts with a thought, a vision, and hard work until it becomes a reality.

Edited by William Mortensen Vaughan

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