I introduced him to Libertad Green, and she enjoyed taking photographs of him for this interview while we waited our turns to be filmed (she played the role of "Libby"). Personally, I consider this interview to be the best I've produced so far because Vesher is the first interviewee I've interviewed who answered every question I asked him. As I told him, I disagree with some of his answers and think he's an idiot, but I admire his candor and willingness to put his true thoughts and opinions out here for the world to read.
Vaughanster: Where were you born and raised?
Vesher: Harlem, New York and, sadly, Jacksonville, Florida...
Vaughanster: What, if anything, would you like to tell the world about your parents and siblings?
Vesher: I have an abundance of siblings - over fifty, I believe. That was the last count anyway. Half siblings to be exact... Wish I knew all of them... The ones I do know are pretty cool, and I do have my favorites.
Vaughanster: What, if anything, would you like to tell the world about your parents and children?
Vesher: I have two sons, who live in Jacksonville, Florida. My parents are very cool and supportive. Love'em!
Vaughanster: You mentioned that you went to a private school in Harlem, New York, and a public school in Florida. At what age did you move to Florida, and why did you move?
Vesher: I moved to Florida at the age of nine. I could never fully get a grasp on calling it my home. So as time went on, I found myself taking trips back to New York, under the radar. Sometimes I didn't want people knowing I wasn't around.
Vaughanster: What schools did you attend?
Vesher: Ft. Caroline Elementary and Middle, Terry Parker high...
Vesher: Yes, because it allows more attention to students. Helps them progress faster. Ten-year-old students in my private school were doing trigonometry.
Vaughanster: Do you think it's hypocritical of rich, famous people such as Barack Obama and Matt Damon to encourage people to send their children to public schools, while they send their children to private schools such as the Sidwell Friends School, which few people can afford?
Vesher: I don't think I'd use the word hypocrite. I believe the rich or well off have the money to send their kids to private schools so they can get that better education. If they encourage people who are not well off to send their kids to public schools, I think, it's because they went to public schools before becoming rich and they still turned out OK. Public schools teach you a sense of survival. You can't get that in a private school.
Vaughanster: What school does Matt Damon send his children to?
Vesher: Good question. I'll call him up and ask him. LOL, JK... I have no idea.
Vaughanster: What school do you send your children to?
Vesher: My oldest goes to a school of the arts. He wants to be an artist like his Father, and he's very good at it. My youngest goes to private school. He tends to get distracted easily, so private school seemed to be a better fit for him, to help him focus more.
Vaughanster: Where do you stand on the school voucher programs Obama killed?
Vesher: Didn't know about it. Interesting...
Vaughanster: (Google "Obama kills school vouchers.") You mentioned you were a vegetarian all your life. Why didn't you ever eat meat?
Vesher: I was raised as a vegetarian. My father is Hebrew and my mother is Baptist. In my younger years, I practiced my father's dietary ways. As I got older I stuck with it. Never saw a reason for changing it...
Vaughanster: What is your religion?
Vesher: No religion... I'm spiritual. Religion is man-made.
Vaughanster: When did you come to Los Angeles?
Vesher: I arrived July 10th, 2013.
Vaughanster: Where are you staying in Los Angeles?
Vesher: I currently stay in the North Hollywood area.
Vaughanster: You mentioned that you're still driving the U-Haul van you used to move to Los Angeles. Are you interested in buying a car, and, if so, what kind?
Vesher: Yes, I am; I'm really keeping it for more reasons than just transportation, LOL. I would like to get a Chevy Suburban, or Chrysler Sebring. I like vehicles with room.
Vaughanster: You mentioned that you'd like to live in Burbank or Glendale. What is it about these neighborhoods that you find attractive?
Vesher: They're very clean and peaceful areas. I like the atmosphere.
Vaughanster: How much time have you spent in South Central?
Vaughanster: What was your profession before you became an actor?
Vesher: Collections specialist...
Vaughanster: Is https://twitter.com/AlmightyYizzy1 your Twitter page?
Vesher: Yes.
Vaughanster: Please share your Kevin Sorbo experience with us.
Vesher: It was awesome! Childhood hero being right in front of you, and actually conversing with you is an amazing feeling.
Vaughanster: Is www.imdb.com/name/nm1833614 your IMDb page?
Vesher: Possibly; it's been a while since I've been on that.
Vaughanster: Did you play "Swole" in Kracker Jack'd?
Vesher: Yes, I did.
Vaughanster: Then that's your IMDb page!
(NOTE: Since this interview took place, IMDb has given Vesher credit for a second role - that of "Benjamin" in Confessions of a Prodigal Son, but his resumé also includes the roles of "Gang Banger 1" in Let's Be Cops, Foxx (a soldier) in Tigerland, "X" in Tree of Good and Evil, and "ZO" in Miracle Seven. It also includes the roles of "Prisoner #1" in the television show "Back in the Game," and the theatre roles of "Baliff" [sic] in By Reason of Insanity and "Big Brother Dev" in Frat House.)
Vaughanster: Is us.myspace.com/scorpioneagle1 your MySpace page?
Vesher: Sounds like it could be... Been years since I've been on that as well...
Vaughanster: Is https://www.facebook.com/vesher.yisrael your Facebook?
Vesher: YEPPERS!
Vaughanster: What other pages would you like to share with the world?
Vesher: http://vesheryisrael.wix.com/vesheryisrael
Vaughanster: Did you vote for Obama?
Vesher: Not in 2008, but I did in 2012.
Vaughanster: Why didn't you vote in 2008?
Vesher: Eh, I wasn't really focused on it.
Vaughanster: Were you too young? When were you born?
Vesher: No, I was of age. I was born at the beginning of the best decade, 1980.
Vaughanster: Where do you stand on voter ID?
Vesher: I think it serves a valid purpose. We don't need people voting numerous times for a particular candidate.
Vaughanster: Where do you stand on homosexuality?
Vesher: I'm not for it. But I am for freedom, and I believe people are free to love whom they choose. I mean, if we were all to live by the word of the Good Book, there wouldn't be an America. The country was founded on wanting [independence] from British rule and to practice different religions and spiritual practices.
Vaughanster: Do you think George Zimmerman got away with murdering Trayvon Martin, or do you think Trayvon Martin was a misogynistic, dope-smoking, drug-dealing, jewel-thieving thug who got what he deserved?
Vesher: Yes, I do think he got away with murder. Regardless of what Trayvon may have been, that night he was a kid walking home. Zimmerman had malicious intent. You follow someone, while carrying a gun, even after the police say, "back off!" then something else was going through your mind.
Vaughanster: Where do you stand on gun control?
Vesher: I actually think it's pointless. You can't control something you had no control over in the first place. Drugs and candy go hand in hand. Both are easily obtainable and all you gotta do is go to the right spot to get it for cheap.
Vaughanster: Does the current N.S.A. scandal make you nervous with regard to your privacy?
Vesher: No, there has never been privacy in America. The only thing that's happening is that they're letting it be known.
Vaughanster: Who do you blame for the Ben Ghazi attack?
Vesher: There's too many heads to count for blame.
Vaughanster: What do you think of the I.R.S. scandal?
Vesher: Nothing.
Vaughanster: Do you think Obama is responsible for "the Arab spring" and the civil wars in Egypt and Syria?
Vesher: Obama is a figure head, as are all presidents. They have limited power. So, anyone who knows anything regarding any acts of war should be held responsible.
Vaughanster: How is Obama's "Hope and Change" working out for you?
Vesher: Not effected by it yet, LOL...
Vaughanster: Do you regret voting for Obama?
Vesher: I never have regrets.
Vaughanster: Do you think as many blacks voted for Obama in 2012 as in 2008 because they are racist?
Vesher: No, they might've just got tired of the mud slinging from the Romney camp and said, "F*** it; let's go for Obama."
Vaughanster: Do believe that blacks in the U.S. are significantly more violent than people of other races?
Vesher: No.
Vaughanster: Do you believe Moslems are significantly more violent than people of other religions, as well as agnostics and atheists?
Vesher: No, they are passionate about what they believe and are misguided in showing that. But that could be said for all religions. Some religions lay siege to homes, countries, etc. Some blow buildings up. Some blow themselves up. It's been around for years.
Vaughanster: You play "Cool" in the web series "Metropolitan Detective." How did you meet Marc Chicoine?
Vesher: Craigslist.
Vaughanster: Does your surname have something to do with Israel?
Vesher: No.
Vaughanster: Where do you stand on Israel, Israeli settlements, etc.?
Vesher: I don't take a stance on any of the Israeli issues. Too much s*** happening here...
Vaughanster: Do you do audience work, such as for standingroomonly.tv and
and onsetproductions.com?
Vesher: Never heard of those sites... I will check them out.
Vaughanster: It was a pleasure to work with you on the set of Metropolitan Detective. When and where should we expect to see you again?
Vesher: It was a pleasure working with you as well. Hope we can again... Not sure what's next... It'll be a surprise to me. LOL!
Interview by William Mortensen Vaughan
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