Wednesday, July 1

Interview With Pamela Drake Wilson

cover, La Libertad, July 2015, Pamela Drake Wilson

I first met Pamela Drake Wilson when my father-in-law, James Green, introduced us on the set of a "Mystery Diners" episode.  Later, she told us that her Starmeter [rating] on the Internet Movie Database reached the top thirty thousand [out of approximately ten million people listed in the database], and that she is "certain [our] help on IMDb contributed to the hike."  (It was below fifty thousand.)  She also tells us that she hopes she has given us "some provocative material."  We think our readers will agree that she has!  As for the boost to her Starmeter rating, we may not have had anything to do with that, but we are happy for her either way.

[NOTE:  As of June 29, 2015, Pamela's Starmeter rating is in the top twenty thousand.] 

La Libertad:  Where were you born?

Pam:  JacksonMichigan.

La Libertad:  What is your occupation?

Pam:  Actor and senior model.

La Libertad:  What do you love most about your work?

Pam:  Acting provides a wonderful outlet for emotion.  It's a way to take past experiences and rather than be derailed by the difficult ones, an actor can use them as a "positive" in his/her life.  So it's all good!

Pamela Drake Wilson
Santa Monica Pier

Secondly I embrace the challenge.  No one can tell me how to portray a certain feeling -how to conjure up a certain facial expression. It all has to come from your soul and I like that sense of integrity.

Thirdly, I can say and do what I truly feel without restraint and be loved and praised often and, slightly at least, financially rewarded for it. Any thing top that? Nothing I know of!

La Libertad:  What talents and hobbies do you have?

Pam:  Well, acting would certainly be a talent because it comes naturally to me.  It's not work at all.  At one time, before the digital world, I would have considered photography one of my talents.  My true gifts are with children and dogs and the elderly.  Children and pets have an automatic right to receive kindness and love, and the elderly have earned that right.

Hobbies would include cooking up nutritious soups, although  those whom I have fed may not see it as a worthwhile hobby!

Another hobby would be bicycling and hiking, as often as I can fit those in time-wise.

La Libertad:  What inspires you?

Pam:  My son's music.  He is  brilliantly creative and talented and gifted.  His voice is beguiling.  Watching him grow as a musician has been very exciting for mom.  He recently earned original song/writer/composer credits in the upcoming film Sky, for one of his songs, titled "Your Shoes."  Google "SanguinDrake" or "David Drake" and "the 8th House" to hear his music.  His partner in "SanguinDrake" (Sarah Carter) has achieved beautifully in her personal acting  career.  She actually has been a bit of an inspiration to me with regards to my acting.

Inspiring to me is a desire to disprove prejudice such as ageism being a factor to hold you back in acting, or being a woman being a factor.  Nonsense!  Down with excuses!

I like to break through barriers.  So we'll see how that goes.  As I can be wrong!
Pamela Drake Wilson
volunteering at Sundance

Another Hollywood myth I'd love to disable is the "almighty casting couch."  When I was boasting to a friend about how I'm getting work without slipping into that dead-end, soul extracting cushion, I said, "We'll see where my career goes, never compromising in any regard for a part," he cleverly responded, "Nowhere!"

Attending and actually volunteering at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City each January inspires me. Patrons and industry film makers and shakers are people with stories to tell, people who choose to impact society positively.  What could be more inspirational than placing oneself in that environment?

La Libertad:  What is the hardest part of your job?

Pam:  I guess I would have to say the juggling.  You have two or three job offers with date conflicts, and you have to decide which one to take, or possibly you've made a commitment to one and a more enticing/more lucrative job comes along, but you must stick to your original confirmation.  And you must.  Reputation in this profession is not to be under valued.

La Libertad:  What foreign languages do you read write or speak?

Pam:  None other than conversational French, with barely enough finesse or savvy to do anything other than travel with.

La Libertad:  Where have you traveled?

Pam:  That's another interview altogether; I worked as a flight attendant for over ten years.

La Libertad:  We look forward to conducting that interview.

What are your career goals?

Pam:  I imagine my career goals are quite modest and humble by design.  I want to join S.A.G. [the Screen Actors Guild], and I would like to make a living as an actor.

La Libertad:  What projects are you working on?

Pam:  I was the creative director, and supplied some video footage and photography and writing, as well as making some powerful editing decisions on a wonderful new documentary about the life of Bing Crosby.  That project is the lifetime work of Chris Crosby, and it's in completion at the moment.

I recently signed a contract to appear as featured background, playing the part of an evangelist in a horror film called As Evil Does, starring Dorian Missick and Bill Cobbs.

Attending Fashion Week Gala

And I'm up for a role as a professor in a T.V. series, and they keep corresponding with me, saying please stand by, but I still have not heard...  A recent e-mail stated they are now deciding between me and one other actor, so the pressure is on.

Additionally, I agreed to accept a lead role in a short film that will be written and produced by the talented Michael R. Barnard.  He is pulling that project together as we speak.  Michael has been a long time fan of my son's music, so I'm twisting David's arm to have Michael license one of his songs for the upcoming "short" film.

I just completed a long term contract with Pearl Glow where I was a face model for their new cosmetic line, and they're going to be reaching out for one of us girls to do their commercials.  I just loved working with that company, so I'm hoping that it's me. Their products are truly wonderful.

La Libertad:  What upcoming events are you going to attend?

Pam:  I'm actually a loner!  I am drawn to volunteerism and
philanthropic... endeavors [such] as supporting Project Angel Food, soup kitchens - things of that nature, but I haven't had a lot of time because I have been lucky in getting a little bit of work in this town.  So I plead guilty, and I haven't been participating as my conscience would dictate.  But I plan to.  As far as social events or networking in the industry, I'm lax in attending those, as well.  And it's not for lack of being on multiple guest lists.  There are very generous people in this town.

La Libertad:  What links would you like to share?


As far as links, my IMDb is my preferred link BECAUSE, on my photos there, I often type info to lead to other projects I've done.

Interview by Libertad Green

Introduction by William Mortensen Vaughan

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