ANTM coach, Miss Jay; Jesús Francisco Matías |
WMV: Besides Jesus, who were you named after?
Jesús: No one else in particular besides Christ - just my middle name, which is after my grandmother, who is of Spaniard/ Portuguese descent.
WMV: What's it like being named after Jesus?
Jesús: I guess it's interesting; my mother gave me that name because I was a miracle baby; I had a lung disorder, and drank lots of placenta fluids due to me not being in [the] fetal position.
WMV: Do you believe in Jesus?
Jesús: I don't believe, nor disbelieve; I respect what people view him as, whether [he] is the son of God or not.
WMV: When and where were you born?
Jesús: I was born in Corona, Queens, New York, in 1991.
WMV: Your Model Mayhem page
indicates that your Twitter and Instagram are @gooseroxxz; "g-roxxz" appears after your name. What is that all about?
Jesús: My nickname is "goose roxxz," or g-roxxz for short; it's pretty much my entertainment name.
WMV: In one of your photographs, you appear to be wearing a turban and several pieces of jewelry in your right ear. Why the turban?
Jesús: The turban is make-up artist/photographer, Nick Isamu Barose's style; he actually has a series of self portraits of several Turban fashionista shoots.
WMV: How many piercings and tattoos do you have?
Jesús: I have seven ear piercings, [in] which I don't wear [anything] much, and I have a tattoo inside of my lip that [reads], "F.B.G.$" (F*** B****** Get Money). I attended Fort Hamilton High School in Brooklyn, New York, and that was a crew started by my best friend and myself. It was just a fun, party lifestyle, irconichally [sic] my best friend Wael Hamad is my business partner and also models.
WMV: How much of your work as a model do you credit to ModelMayhem?
Jesús: I don't credit much work due to the fact that ModelMayhem isn't viewed to be professional; most agents make you take it down; it all depends.
WMV: What negative experiences, if any, have you had as a direct result of meeting people you discovered on ModelMayhem?
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Jesús Francisco Matías during Fashion Week |
Jesús: I never had any related to Mayhem, but the industry can be low key and underground; now-a-days you see many articles on top photographer Terry Richardson, who tries to plow all the models he works with. Majority of the industry is homosexual, so I once got offered ten thousand in cash [for sex], which I declined. I am straight! (No offense!) That was the only negative experience.
WMV: One of your pictures shows you with what appear to be wolves. Are they your pets?
Jesús: I wish those were my pets, and that shoot was shot by Upstate New York photographer Jonathan Springer, and clothing provided by Supreme Skateboarding.
WMV: Where do you stand on animal rights?
Jesús: I believe animals should be in the wild, doing what they do, but it is what it is. When it comes to massive corporate slaughter, people want to eat.
WMV: Your fashion company's motto is, apparently, "Verum es Corrupta," which is Latin for "Truth Is Corrupt." Some might argue that truth is the opposite of corruption, and that falsehood is corrupt. What does any of this have to do with clothing?
Jesús: Our clothing represents a Dark Royal Revolt. Truth, in many aspects, is one's form of their own rational b***s***. Our fashion represents people who won't conform, and [who] know who they are; they don't allow people or (how wesay) "parasites" [to] influence one's mind.
WMV: You have told us you speak Spanish. Do you also know Latin?
Jesús: No.
WMV: Why did you choose a Latin phrase for your company's logo and motto?
Jesús: Latin just felt so raw and harsh, which us, as entrepreneurs, feel in this concrete jungle; it's pure relation - such a heavy phrase.
WMV: Your Facebook indicates that you graduated from Fort Hamilton High School in Brooklyn, New York. What is the history of Fort Hamilton?
Jesús: I don't know much of the history behind F.H.H.S.; I heard it was a beach club, in the 'Forties. F.H.H.S. is in the lower bay area of Brooklyn, right on Shore Road, in front of the Verrazano Bridge or "the Ginny Gin," which [is] mentioned in film, The Wolf of Wall Street.
WMV: Facebook also indicates you attended Lakeview Middle School in Winter Garden, Florida. What lake was in view?
Jesús: I attended Lake View Middle School Sixth to Eighth Grade, which is in Winter Garden, Florida, which is a small town near Orlando, Florida. I always wondered where the lake was [laughs], but it was a great school which got built in 1927; their motto till this day is "A Tradition of Excellence."
WMV: Your Facebook indicates education, but not work, in the Work and Education section. What "normal" jobs, if any, have you had?
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Jesús Francisco Matías on Dopeness Magazine for Karmaloop |
WMV: Previously, you said, "one asks, 'How do I create a company? Do I go to college?'" What colleges, if any, have you attended?
Jesús: I never attended college; I went to a small film school once, but I learned most everything on my own; I see that many in the arts try to sell you the idea or form you into what they believe film is, and as far as education, I grow within myself. Education comes from [the] Latin word "Educo," which means knowledge from within. Innovation and creativity is something that one achieves and masters from inside.
WMV: Having started a company of your own, where do you stand on minimum wage laws?
Jesús: I understand[...] adversity; minimum wage in big cities is brutal, which I have experienced myself. But, as far as the laws, I am not against it. C.E.O.'s can do as they please.
WMV: How, if at all, has ObamaCare affected you?
Jesús: It hasn't in anyway.
WMV: Are you hiring?
Jesús: Currently, I am not hiring, but in the future I will be.
WMV: How much importance to you give actors' IMDb pages and their StarMeter ratings?
Jesús: If it's a big feature film them that gets handled, since actors are all about building a name; I mean who isn't? I haven't done anything too big to credit one.
WMV: Do you have an IMDb page?
Jesús: No.
WMV: What is the best way for potential employees and investors to contact you?
Jesús: They can contact me via email:
WMV: Facebook indicates that your hometown is in Tokyo, Japan. Is that true?
Jesús: No! Japan is my favorite country due to the history and technological
fashionista culture they currently are all about!
WMV: You previously mentioned "Anime artist Shuji Yamamotto from Japan." What, if anything, do you like about Japanese culture?
Jesús: I love the fashion, technology, and how humble [the] majority of Japanese people are. Also, the self expression of fashion is big, where you see cosplay [costume play] as an everyday thing, and fashion is at an extreme.
WMV: You also mentioned someone named Nick Isamu Barose; is he also Japanese?
Jesús: No, Nick is from Thailand!
WMV: You've told us you were a kickboxing champion. Specifically, what championships did you win?
Jesús: I won a U.S.K.A. [United States Kickboxing Alliance] amateur title in the sport of Muay Thai Kick
Boxing, fighting out of famous gym Sitan Gym, New York, trained by Aziz Nabih.
WMV: What influenced you to kickbox?
Jesús: The movie Ong-Bak, starring and directed by Tony Jaa!
WMV: Did you pay any attention to the Winter Olympics this year?
Jesús: No!
WMV: According to your Facebook, one of your favorite quotes starts with the phrase "The richest one percent of this country..." Are you a "Ninety-Nine Percenter"?
Jesús: No, I am not; I just found that quote from the Wall Street film to be very true.
WMV: Did you occupy Wall Street?
Jesús: No!
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Jesús Francisco Matías on (on the right) |
Jesús: No.
WMV: What do you think of the current Start-Up New York program?
Jesús: I think its very beneficial for the small business owners of New York; maybe they will lower their prices now for the neighborhoods. The start-up plan is mainly for business oriented neighborhoods like Bodegas and Deli's.
WMV: Did you go to the recent Super Bowl in New Jersey?
Jesús: No.
WMV: Current New York City Mayor, Bill De Blasio apparently agrees with Governor Cuomo that people who are against abortion, in favor of the Second Amendment, or supporters of traditional marriage, have no place in New York. Do you agree?
Jesús: I believe this reality is whatever we make of it; sometimes we make certain decisions for certain reasons, and why judge them? Why not try to understand?
WMV: What are your religious beliefs?
Jesús: I don't believe or disbelieve in God, but I don't follow in how Judaism, Islam, and Christianity portray God to be. It feels way too simple and vague, even the stories, in my opinion; if anything, Hinduism and Buddhism are very deep and philosophical. If I were to believe in God, he would be more of a creator like a programmer, created a very sophisticated - this very sophisticated matrix of a quantum physical and multiple realities of everything.
Also in this subject, my fav quote is by Matthew McConaughey's character in HBO's "True Detective." [It] says, "I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware; nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself; we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody."
WMV: New York City's Per Se restaurant recently earned a C rating. What restaurants, if any, would you recommend to visitors to New York?
Jesús: I can't specify any since I am adventurous, so I only ate in the same place maybe twice, but as far as areas, I recommend Astoria, Queens, or Hell's Kitchen, and Williamsburg, BK [Brooklyn].
WMV: What other restaurants, if any, would you give less than an A rating to?
Jesús: Same as above; those areas are great, also little Italy...
Interview by William Mortensen Vaughan
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